Welcome to 2020, and Happy New Year!
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
2019 in brief
I’m not sorry to see the back of 2019, but overall it’s been a really good year for me. First there was the wonderful cruise down the south coast of Western Australia with my parents. Just magical! It was also the final year of my degree, so all along the end was in sight, which made a huge psychological difference. In the previous year it had felt like my studies would never end—or, if they did, it would be too far in the future to make a difference to our immediate financial situation. So in the first half of 2019 I continually reminded myself this was the last year of my studies, even though I could barely believe it since I was not due to finish until early 2020, which still seemed a long way off.
Then I started applying for APS graduate programs, and in order to be eligible I needed to finish my degree by the end of 2019, so I took on an extra study workload. This added a lot of pressure, but also made me feel I was doing something practical and positive to secure a good future for hubby and myself. I was aware that my grades might drop as a result, but grades were only really important at the beginning of the application process, and a drop wouldn’t matter (in theory, anyway) if I got one of the jobs I was applying for.
Today my grades were finalised and posted, and I ended up with 3 x HDs for the last study period, and a very healthy CWA overall. It could have been a lot worse!
A job—in Canberra!
And the increased workload paid off, because I did snare a graduate role in the APS. I am so chuffed. Who would have thought anyone would want old, deaf me? I’ll be joining the communications team of a government department in Canberra, starting 6 February. So I have to say the year was a success for me and I have regained a lot of confidence that was lost over the last few (extremely difficult) years.
In addition, in 2019 hubby started a new job, which eased our financial situation hugely. It’ll be hard to give up the money to go to Canberra for my low-paying graduate role, but I feel sure (most of the time!) it’s for the best. I am immensely looking forward to starting my own new job. On one level I’m terrified, and especially stressed about how I’ll manage with my hearing—something that I always have to contend with and that never ceases to cause stress in one way or another. But I am really looking forward to putting into practice everything I’ve learned in my studies. I know I will also learn many new and interesting things and meet many new and interesting people. It will be really good for me.
So I begin 2020 feeling encouraged and positive. I’m sad to be leaving beautiful Perth and my family again, but am quietly optimistic about the future. Now, to get the move over and done with…
I wish you all a wonderful year in 2020!