Last week’s email from Griffith University hit my inbox exactly as did the hundreds before it, almost all irrelevant to me and usually advertising an on-campus event or initiative. As a remote student merely picking up a few electives towards my BA in Professional Writing and Publishing through Curtin University, I tend to be quick with my delete key. This occasion was no exception; the subject line was something about an award. Yawn. Nope, I’m not applying…
I don’t know what made me look twice, but whatever it was I’m grateful it did. The subject line in fact read:
‘Congratulations, you have earned a Griffith Award for Academic Excellence’
Er, what? Naturally, I had to read this more than once. I checked the recipient. Yep, it was definitely me. Sent to my Griffith email address. Hrm.
I read on:
I am delighted to inform you that you have been awarded The Griffith Award for Academic Excellence in recognition of your studies in Cross Institutional Study. This will be annotated on your Academic Transcript … This award, which recognises your consistent achievements this year, places you in the top 5% of students across the university.
And I have been presented with a shiny new badge as proof:

The Griffith Award for Academic Excellence badge
My first reaction was disbelief. My second was to laugh. I carried my laptop to hubby in his study. ‘Read this!’ I chuckled away madly.
Bemused, he read it. Then he beamed at me. ‘That’s brilliant!’ he said. ‘Well done, love!’
Brilliant? It was funny — wasn’t it? It’s not like I have been academically excellent, after all.
But hang on. Have I?
Impostor syndrome
I may not have been particularly happy with my grades to date — they are far from excellent as far as I’m concerned — but if I am in the top 5% of students across the uni and have won an award for academic excellence as a result, it would seem I haven’t exactly been doing badly.
It’s a little difficult to get my head around, to be honest. I’m that person who tragically failed her university studies as a school leaver. But hey, they gave me this award so I’ll take it. I may feel like an impostor, but apparently I am the real deal.
So I’ve put it out on Facebook and Twitter, and blogged it (see?!) but just between you and me, I’ve been cackling to myself the whole time.